The World Is Not Enough


I know how to hurt, I know how to heal...
I know what to show, and what to conceal...
I know when to talk, and I know when to touch...
No one ever died from wanting too much!

The World Is Not Enough...
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you`re strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love...

People like us, know how to survive,
There`s no point in living if you can't feel alive
We know when to kiss, and we know when to kill
If we can’t have it all, then nobody will...

The World Is Not Enough...
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you`re strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love...

I feel safe
I feel scared
I feel ready
And yet unprepared...

The World Is Not Enough...
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you`re strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love...

The World Is Not Enough...
The World Is Not Enough...
No, no, ain`t near enough...
The World Is Not Enough!


 [Dr. No]   [Liebesgrüße aus Moskau]  [Goldfinger]   [Feuerball]   [Man lebt nur zweimal]  [Casino Royale - 1967]  [Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät]   [Diamantenfieber]  [Leben und sterben lassen]  [Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt]  [Der Spion, der mich liebte]   [Moonraker]  [In tödlicher Mission] [Octopussy] [Sag niemals nie]  [Im Angesicht des Todes]  [Der Hauch des Todes]  [Lizenz zum Töten]  [GoldenEye]  [Der Morgen stirbt nie]  [Die Welt ist nicht genug]
[Stirb an einem anderen Tag] [Casino Royale - 2006] [Ein Quantum Trost] [Skyfall] [Spectre] [Keine Zeit zu sterben]