You Only Live Twice


You only live twice, or so it seems,
One life for yourself, and one for your dreams
You drift through the years and life seems tame,
Till one dream appears and love is its name

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on,
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
This dream is for you, so pay the price,
Make one dream come true, you only live twice

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Make one dream come true, you only live twice


  [Dr. No]   [Liebesgrüße aus Moskau]  [Goldfinger]   [Feuerball]   [Man lebt nur zweimal]  [Casino Royale - 1967]  [Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät]   [Diamantenfieber]  [Leben und sterben lassen]  [Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt]  [Der Spion, der mich liebte]   [Moonraker]  [In tödlicher Mission] [Octopussy] [Sag niemals nie]  [Im Angesicht des Todes]  [Der Hauch des Todes]  [Lizenz zum Töten]  [GoldenEye]  [Der Morgen stirbt nie]  [Die Welt ist nicht genug]
[Stirb an einem anderen Tag] [Casino Royale - 2006] [Ein Quantum Trost] [Skyfall] [Spectre] [Keine Zeit zu sterben]